Tranquility Massage
Therapeutic Massage pricing
Body Treatments / Body Wraps
Couples Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Healing Touch
Hot Stone Therapy
Integrative Bodywork
Medical Massage
On-Site Massage
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage
Relaxation Massage
Swedish Massage
Therapeutic Massage
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$200.00/120 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$120.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
$100.00/ 60 minutes
Serenity Found Wellness
Supporting Self Care, Professional Assistance layering Therapies
Lymphatic Drainage
Theta Healing
Reiki (30min/60min)
Crystal Reiki
Touch Therapy for the Terminally ill
Energy Cleanse of Home, Business, or Property.
Starting at $150.00 Per 1300 Square Feet.
Hot N Cold
$100.00 Includes a 45 Min Hot Stone Massage, Warm Neck Wrap, Hot N Cold Foot Soak with Peppermint Essential Oil.
Let it go!
$150.00 Reconnect Mind Body Spirit Soul Customized Session
$150.00 Aromatherapy Application of Essential Oils, Meditation, Foot Soak.
$150.00 Essential Oil Treatment based on Native American traditions.
$150.00 Includes 3 of the following mini sessions: Massage, Meditation, Theta Healing, Reiki, and Foot Soak.
Mini Spa-cation 4 Hours of Bliss!
$399.00 Includes up to 2 Hrs of Swedish massage, choose from the following for the remainder of the time:
Reiki, Theta Healing, Meditation, Sugar Scrub with hot towel removal, Detox wrap, Warm neck wrap and Foot Soak
Guided Couples Massage Intro $150.00
Comfort Care $200.00
Hands on Technique " Surely We Can do More"
Book Available on Amazon.
Event Pricing Available contact me for details.
Mobile service local $20.00 add on (within 20 miles)
Guided Meditation $30.00 30 min.
Make time for you.
At Tranquility Massage you have a moment of Peace,
where Serenity can be found.